
Monday, December 19, 2005

Old Photos - Tony Heron's Family c 1957

Well, I am still learning and the only photo here that's of interest to Herons is the second down on the right which is my Mum (Helen, wife of Tony), holding baby Edmund, with Joan Heron in the middle, my brother Adrian Heron on the right at the back. I'm bottom left and my sister, Catherine is at the front next to me with Joan's son, Carol just peeking out from behind. This photo was taken in the garden of our house in Horsham, Sussex in about 1957.

You can enlarge this photo by clicking on it.

1 comment:

Dolly Pantry said...

The old black and white photo should have said the second photo down on the left. Also the child in Mum's arms is Edmund Obert (son of Joan Heron)